Category: uncategorized

  • Toothache

    Part of why I’ve been in such an extended bleak mood lately is because I’ve had an infected tooth since the middle of February & it’s really draining. I did a round of antibiotics and then yesterday was finally able to have a root canal done. Unfortunately something is up with the root canal and…

  • Dim

    The other night it was so foggy that I looked out my window and saw nothing but my neighbor’s distant light like a planet in a dim sky. The snow fell through the fog, hardly visible. I desire no contact. In this life I am an alien. I will hold aloof all my life because…

  • Life on the Mountain

    I dreamed of being trapped between layers of deep water. I am crawling up the walls of my mind but there is, of course, no escape. No quiet and no stillness. Once again I remember how much I look forward to the end. The only clarity I have is in my own unbelonging, a result…

  • Odds and Ends

    Odds and Ends

    Chipping away at getting my things unpacked and my craft room organized, lots and lots of fresh snow, my desk frame got lost in the mail so I’m waiting for the replacement, I miss being able to order a pizza, I set up my stereo system (with my papa’s help over facetime… this is my…

  • Gemini & Moving

    Gemini & Moving

    I’m done moving in the sense that (more or less) all my things are in the new house. I’m still unpacking and that’s going to take for-fucking-ever because I am just so tired of it all. I wish my things would just magically go where I want them. This is my second move in less…

  • Covid


    It took two weeks but I’m finally testing negative for Covid. I’m actually still not feeling the best but it may just be my allergies being especially bad with the changing weather. I caught Covid at a mandatory work event (I’m usually fully remote) that I didn’t even want to participate in, so I’m extra…

  • Gray

    Today I have found my first gray hair… usually when I find one it turns out to be a Pangur Bán fur but not today folks

  • Dread

    Nothing inspires existential anxiety in me like particle physics. Bear with me a moment. A handful of wackadoodle subatomic particles with weirdly specific behaviors, which only exist at all due to a fortuitous baryon asymmetry, give rise to every speck of matter in this enormous universe, and from such an absurd position life arises, the…

  • Love & Hate

    I love my books, crafts and hobbies, playing outside, and petting my pets and I do not love work. As a matter of fact I do not even like work a little bit.

  • Crimes

    Committing double crime (eating pomegranate in bed, reading a book with wet hair)